Olaplex Treatment
You might have heard about OLAPLEX.
What is it?
It is a wonderful treatment for the hair. (simple)
I have tried with my hair and love it!
If you are interested, I will explain. :)

There are 3 steps.
No. 1 Bond Multiplier
This concentrated first salon step rebuilds broken disulfide bonds and begins the process of preventing damage and repairing hair.
We use it when a client has OLAPLEX stand alone treatment service and also we mix with hair colour and perm solution followed by No. 2.
No.2 Bond Perfector
This salon step continues to rebuild and restore any remaining broken bonds ensuring the strongest, shiniest and healthiest hair possible.
We can also use No. 2 only for hair treatment service if the client doesn't have much time. It really makes your hair strong and healthy.
No. 3
This is home care process so that a client can continue protecting hair from ongoing damage. (hair dryer, hair straighteners.. Sounds familiar?)
We strongly recommend if your hair is already damaged, but you would like to have chemical services.
Even if your hair is pretty healthy, it's a good idea to have it done to keep it healthy. :)
We used it when we bleached my hair with 12% developer twice. After two months, once a week No. 3 treatment at home, I don't have split ends, feels strong!
By the way, FYI, in Japan, only up to 6% developer is on the market as they have the law which states above 6% can't be used /sold. 12% is strong!
That's why I recommend it!
↓Work in progress

↓Looks like someone needs fringe cut

Please send us email if you would like to know more details about it.
Thank you.